The VECTOR Portal – Deliverables


WPTask NoDeliverable/ Milestone NameStatusAccess Deliverable
WP22.1D2.1Legacy data, and its managementApproved by the EU
WP22.3D2.2Upscaling workflowsApproved by the EUHere
WP22.1D2.3Initial geological modelsSubmitted for EU approval
WP22.2D2.4Magnetotelluric/seismic inversion modelSubmitted for EU approval
WP22.4D2.5Lithogeochemical vectorsSubmitted for EU approval
WP22.4D2.6Combined exploration vectorsOngoing
WP33.2D3.1Shared values reportApproved by the EUHere
WP33.4D3.2SVi and machine learningSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.2D3.3Report on valuesSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.4D3.4Business modelsSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.3D3.5Education materialSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.1D3.6Assessment need for CRMsSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.4D3.7Publicly Availableblic policy structuresSubmitted for EU approval
WP33.3D3.8Continuing Professional DevelopmentOngoing
WP44.3D4.1ML architecture for text mining-EOApproved by the EUHere
WP44.1D4.2Toolbox for joint processing of geophysical and remote Sensitivesing dataSubmitted for EU approval
WP44.1D4.3Common earth modelling toolboxSubmitted for EU approval
WP44.3D4.4ML add-on for SVi 2.0Ongoing
WP44.4D4.53D visualisation engineOngoing
WP44.2D4.64D models of case study basinsOngoing
WP55.1D5.1Stakeholder mapping, needs and gap analysisApproved by the EUHere
WP55.4D5.10Film documentaryOngoing
WP55.4D5.11Integr. into EU-level decision makingOngoing
WP55.1D5.2Dynamic business caseApproved by the EUHere
WP55.1D5.3Impact metricsApproved by the EUHere
WP55.2D5.4Dissemination, exploitation and communicationApproved by the EUHere
WP55.2D5.5WebsiteApproved by the EUHere
WP55.3D5.6Front-end user interfaceApproved by the EUHere
WP55.4D5.7Hand-over eventOngoing
WP55.4D5.8Webinars /online interviewsSubmitted for EU approval
WP55.4D5.9Infographics and briefing documents Submitted for EU approval
WP11.2D1.1Quality PlanApproved by the EUHere
WP11.2D1.2Contingency PlanApproved by the EUHere
WP11.1D1.3Kick-off meetingApproved by the EUHere
WP11.3D1.4Data Management PlanOngoing
WP11.2D1.5Interim Ethics ReportApproved by the EU
WP11.2D1.6Final Ethics ReportOngoing
WP61.2D6.1OEI - Requirement No. 1Approved by the EU

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement nº 101058483.

Co-funded by the European Union. 
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or Horizon Europe research and innovation programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

This project has received funding from UK Research and Innovation.

Co-funded by UK Research and Innovation. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of UK Research and Innovation. Neither UK Research and Innovation nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.